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Environment and recycling
Need the pressure sensors to detected in 8 pipelines of a pressure tank. The flow sensors mainly detect the flow rate of the lubricating fluid in the pipeline to prevent flow interruption Lubricating oil of environmental system PA1143

Food industry
The rotatting paddle level switch is used on the feed tank silo to detect the level of the materials. Each silo is installed 2 switches for high and low level. The feed tank silo SRP10AC00504

Food Industry
ema products are mainly used to test high/low level of chocolate paste. ema High-Frequency Level Switch LC series is the best solution for sticky or humid medium. Chocolate paste equipment LC0001 Preview

The client produce carton printing equipments. machines. It is necessary to install a flow sensor  to monitor the ink flow rate of the ink system during printing process.
When the flow rate is too low, the alarm needs to be issued to allow the main system to make corresponding treatment to ensure the normal printing production.
Ink printing of carton FL6301 Preview

All flow sensors are installed on the cooling water pipes to monitor whether the cooling water stop flowing. Calcium carbide furnace FL6001 Preview

Pharmaceutical Industry
The client request to measure the level of the tube with pure water inside. Non-contact. Do not pollute the pure water. High and Low level point. Two sensors cannot interacted to each other. Pure water of a plastic tank CD0001 Preview
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Environment and recycling
Description Need the pressure sensors to detected in 8 pipelines of a pressure tank. The flow sensors mainly detect the flow rate of the lubricating fluid in the pipeline to prevent flow interruption
Equipment Lubricating oil of environmental system
Products PA1143
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Food industry
Description The rotatting paddle level switch is used on the feed tank silo to detect the level of the materials. Each silo is installed 2 switches for high and low level.
Equipment The feed tank silo
Products SRP10AC00504
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Food Industry
Description ema products are mainly used to test high/low level of chocolate paste. ema High-Frequency Level Switch LC series is the best solution for sticky or humid medium.
Equipment Chocolate paste equipment
Products LC0001
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Description The client produce carton printing equipments. machines. It is necessary to install a flow sensor  to monitor the ink flow rate of the ink system during printing process.
When the flow rate is too low, the alarm needs to be issued to allow the main system to make corresponding treatment to ensure the normal printing production.
Equipment Ink printing of carton
Products FL6301
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Description All flow sensors are installed on the cooling water pipes to monitor whether the cooling water stop flowing.
Equipment Calcium carbide furnace
Products FL6001
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Pharmaceutical Industry
Description The client request to measure the level of the tube with pure water inside. Non-contact. Do not pollute the pure water. High and Low level point. Two sensors cannot interacted to each other.
Equipment Pure water of a plastic tank
Products CD0001
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Water and wastewater
Description Install VS0001 for the level detection with the speaker. When the level increase to high point, the alarm is active to warn the people near the river to leave the dangerous area.
Equipment River Integration System
Products VS0001
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Wind power
Description The wind force generate the power. The plant select ema Speed Monitor. Its main function is to control of wind force running and the diagnosis.
Equipment Wind Power
Products SM1002
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